Monday, August 20, 2012

Rosemary's Baby

The other day during a prenatal meeting, my client and I were going through her birth plan in the hot summer sun, and in the middle of nowhere she turns to me, with a mischievous look, and says, "Now Rosemary, promise me if you ever start your own Doula business, you won't name it Rosemary's Baby."  I laughed and said, it actually might be a good way to capture the attention of potential clients who can laugh at the irony.  This was also yet another moment when I realized how much I am going to love my new profession.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized this Doula journey has been my baby over the last year.   I have watched this dream of becoming a Doula grow from conception to fruition and into something that continues to shape my life.   I have sacrificed time and resources to nurture it.  Long hours reading books on how best to develop it. My loved ones have had to listen to me through long conversations about the risks and benefits of epidurals, and stand by me when I use words like cervix and bloody show a little to loudly in mixed company.   This is, my baby.

This little blog is going to be full of stories, thoughts and revelations concerning my journey as a Doula. 

If you are a dear friend of mine, my hope is that you read this and know what I am talking about when I work the words "hip squeeze" into conversation. 

If you are here because you saw me post a link in facebook and haven't seen or heard of me in years, here will be the answers to where I have been. 

If you are my mother, I hope you are proud.  

And lastly, if you are a pregnant women who Googled: "Portland Doula" and got this page, my email is and you can find my number in the yellow pages under "Rosemary's Baby".


  1. I love that pic! And what a name! I can't wait to hear more stories about your amazing birth practice. Seriously:)
